Nature as desginer

Biophilia Exhibition - Window Design

June 2023

Chalk Birch canvas on window.

Participation in an immersive nature exhibition and sensory experience called “Biophilia: a natural life” in Aarhus, 24.06.23.

Here, the artist talked a lot about Willow and Birch trees while we went to collect natural elements from the forest.
As there are many Birch trees in the Danish forests (and they inspire me a lot), I decided to tribute them by painting their shapes on the Church´s glass where the exhibition took place.The job took around 3 hours.

Measurements of the window: 1 meters * 2 meters (approx)

UKH Library - Window Design

May 2023

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Privat work - Spring Window Design

June 2023

Chalk Spring canvas on window.

Inspired by the Danish Spring, and the flora and fauna of Aarhus.

Approximately 5 hours of work.

Measurements of the window: 1,40 meters * 2 meters.

Private work - Winter Window Design

January 2023

Chalk winter canvas on the window.

Inspired by the Danish winter, and the flora and fauna of Aarhus.

Approximately 5 hours of work.

Measurements of the window: 1,40 meters * 2 meters.